why the most awesome festival summer of all time awaits us.

空 (Sora) 石瀬 (Steenvoort / Sekirei), [26/04/2023 14:00]

s0ra — Today at 13:50

oder ums abzukuerzen

der Sinn des Lebens ist Leben

lebt euer eigenes Videospiel und glaubt nie wieder die Zeit vergeht nicht so schnell wie IHR es wollt

alle anderen Fragen hatten wir spaeter klaeren sollen

wir haben uns unser ewiges glueckliches Leben einfach kaputtphilosophiert

die "Penner" auf der Straße waren nur verlorene Seelen die lieber neben als mit dem System gelebt haben

aber das System System sein zu lassen und mit dem Strom zu schwimmen war immer die Antwort

das ist schade, Philosophie ist echt geil

aber die Griechen hatten halt niemals eine binaere Logik verwenden duerfen

das Universum ist halt spektral

Party? Party!

diskutiert gerne warum es jetzt so schoen ist aber philosophiert euch das nie wieder kaputt ^^

"meins" und "deins" waren halt nur buergerliche KATEGORIEN

und Schubladen sind echt nuetzlich, nur nicht zum Denken

positiver Nebeneffekt? alles "verlorene" bringen euch die Leute zurueck :D

Yandex Translate, [26/04/2023 14:00]

English: s0ra - Today at 13:50

or to shorten

the meaning of life is life

live your own video game and never believe again time doesn't fly as fast as YOU want it to

all other questions we should have clarified later

we have simply ruined our eternal happy life

the "bums" on the street were just lost souls who preferred to live next to rather than with the system

but letting the system be a system and going with the flow was always the answer

that's a pity, philosophy is really cool

but the Greeks were never allowed to use binary logic

the universe is spectral

Party? Party!

i like to discuss why it is so beautiful now but philosophize that it will never break again ^^

"mine" and "yours" were just bourgeois CATEGORIES

and drawers are really useful, just not for thinking

positive side effect? people will bring back everything "lost" to you : D

空 (Sora) 石瀬 (Steenvoort / Sekirei), [26/04/2023 14:03]

*should"ve never used. they can ask all the Qs they want

空 (Sora) 石瀬 (Steenvoort / Sekirei), [26/04/2023 14:04]

so ist einfacher, dann muss ich keine Pressekonferenz geben, darauf haette ich gerade gar keinen Bock :p

Yandex Translate, [26/04/2023 14:04]

English: it's easier that way, then I don't have to give a press conference, I wouldn't be interested in that right now : p

空 (Sora) 石瀬 (Steenvoort / Sekirei), [26/04/2023 14:04]

so yeah, spread the good word and open the doors of all cells

空 (Sora) 石瀬 (Steenvoort / Sekirei), [26/04/2023 14:04]

to ever lock people up for philosophising was the only real sin

空 (Sora) 石瀬 (Steenvoort / Sekirei), [26/04/2023 14:17]

Song Nine

I Would Set Myself on Fire for You

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[1] If my younger self could see what I've become it would break his heart and he would say to me, "but someday when I grow up, I'll be somebody you'll see and no one can take that from me."

[2] And we always said this wouldn't be us. And we always said this couldn't be us. And we always said this wouldn't be us. And we always said this shouldn't be...

[4] But I'm standing here now at twentyfuckingtwo and everything that I believe is slipping from my grasp: my faith in myself, my faith in this world, my faith that everything will work out in the end.

[5] I may be my father's son, but I will not live my father's life. Can't let this blue collar strangle me to death.

[7] Now I lay me down to sleep, it's time to realize all my dreams, 'cause I may die before I wake, and I won't leave here a waste.

[8] What is the point of saving my name in this town.


[4] Don't find our faults, find us a remedy.

[8] What is the point of saving my name in this town?


This town is a ghost town. Oh, this town is a ghost town, & if you are the sun, then my shadow grows long. if you are the sun...

[2] (...) Isnt this such a sad way to talk about--- shhh.

[4] I want to do the most beautiful things, but i am capable of the most horrible things.

[5] Sucking the blood from my teeth, I wipe my tongue across them: clean. Its no threat to say the sun will never be seen.

[6] My hometown has been rebuilt, and redesigned, to make me feel old and alone. And now this fucking town has been rebuild and resupplied with those who make me feel old and alone.

[8] What is the point of saving my name in this town?

空 (Sora) 石瀬 (Steenvoort / Sekirei), [26/04/2023 14:17]

so yeah, screamo saved us all. hallefuckinglujah

submitted by /u/sorachan_
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/12zh3ql/why_the_most_awesome_festival_summer_of_all_time/


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