Best festivals (in US) for the experience of just going there and chilling outside and walking around (?)

In the past I haven’t really gone to very many festivals or concerts because I am on the autism spectrum and i get anxious and overstimulated being in large crowds in a confined space, (I have been to Lights all Night 2019 in Texas tho) but I just went to Sonic Temple 2023 in Ohio on a whim with my friend who had an extra ticket, and they all went inside to the field/pit and i just stayed outside on the grass and chilled in the back and it was a really fun experience for me even if i was just chilling and walking around by myself! So i was wondering what other festivals and events in the US are really good for the whole experience in the like just chilling outside and walking around and stuff as opposed to being in the crowd moshing and crowd surfing ? Sorry if this sounds ignorant because I’m not necessarily that cultured in music events, and I don’t want to be “taking away a ticket from a real fan” or anything, I just had a really good time and want to go to more festivals and events for the experience!

submitted by /u/kai_komet
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