How do solo women festival goers feel safe enough to sleep? (I'm worried I won't be able to sleep because of feeling unsafe)

I want to go to my first solo fest badly and I do hope to get adopted, but incase I don't find a group, how do I feel safe enough to sleep? I'm worried about being kidnapped or something. I know its not likely but that doesn't mean impossible, and it'll likely keep me from sleeping. How do I feel and actually be safe enough to sleep?

Edit: I have PTSD, I know it is unlikely, but likelyhood does not make me feel less afraid, only preparing does. And I prefer to prepare for things anyway. I would like practical suggestions on what to do to be and feel safer!

Guys my main concern is NOT being kidnapped I know that's paranoia, my main worries are regular festival crime and woman related shit.

submitted by /u/Powerful-Impact-6453
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