I like going to festivals with my group of friends, but I hate camping with them. Anyone else feel the same?

Going to a festival alone wouldn't be that great, unless you are able to make friends with strangers easily. There's nothing better than having a great time out at a festival with your friends, but I absolutely hate camping with them when there is a large group of us all together.

I am an introverted person and need to recharge my batteries by being alone. This would mean I either hang out alone in my tent for an hour, or take a lone wander around the festival. I also have anxiety and it takes me a while to 'prepare' myself when I wake up in the morning - I need at least an hour to freshen up and feel awake enough to interact with other people (including my friends). And yes, this does include making sure I look presentable, 'good' and not 'rough'. The last point may be a symptom of BDD, but I can imagine it is probably a common feeling amongst everyone. It's just that some people don't care as much about what they look like, my friends certainly don't seem to feel this way when around eachother. If you are with your friends, who cares, right? Well, I personally don't feel comfortable enough to look my worst. I only feel comfortable in this way around family members. This is even worse when you are with a large group of people, containing people who I don't even know but are 'friends of a friend'. That's why I hate sharing a tent as well.

I understand that there is a heir of camaraderie with your friends. I.E. you go to sleep at the same time, you wake up at the same time, you enjoy the festival at the same time and speed, you do the same drugs, or whatever. It is good to do these things to build further bonds with one another. I understand that, but I don't really assign to that. I like to go at my own pace. I don't want to spend every waking moment in company.

I'd much prefer camping alone, in my own spot, then joining my friends when I am ready to.

Does anyone else feel the same or is it just me who feels this way?

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submitted by /u/JhonJohansson
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/13wzpg3/i_like_going_to_festivals_with_my_group_of/


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