Glastonbury vs Camp Bestival with tweens

Hello people! I’m a long time Glastonbury goer and took my 9 and 10 year olds this year camping off site at tangerine fields to ensure a moment of calm if it got too much for them. I’m wondering if anyone on the forum has taken kids to both camp bestival and Glastonbury and can offer a comparison.

Glastonbury is so huge and distance to tent was so far us adults barely saw anything even with juggling of tent duty as it was too far to get in and out each time, family camping wasn’t an option as our tent is too heavy and we were travelling by coach on Thursday so couldn’t carry it or get there in time to pitch a space anyhow.

Is bestival less of a trek to camp?

Are all the kids activities a gazillion pounds (glasto they are all free in the kids field plus kids under 12 get in free compared to £100+ at bestival)

I find all the add ins for bestival so daunting, how many extra ways can you pay to pee/park/camp?

Thanks for any tips and advice. I used to love Bestival on the IOW but not been to the camp bestival version to know much about it. My kids loved Glastonbury but I’m weighing up options that might provide as much fun without the 40 minute hikes so my son can take a quiet break.

submitted by /u/Pink-haired-one
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