What makes a good live music experience?

Hi! I’m interested in the design of music festivals and concerts. I just wanted to get some insights on what parts of the performances you’ve seen make them the most memorable or “the best”. And whether the stage design and visuals influenced that. Here are some questions to consider.

What are some of your favorite festivals or concerts you’ve attended and why.

What was the scale of the event? Large festival or touring stage vs small intimate venue.

What aspects or elements made those experiences memorable?

What aspects of the experience would you consider worth sharing or posting about?

Which aspects of the performance caught your attention first?

Do you remember any props used on stage? If so, please describe them.

Can you provide some details about the lighting or visual effects that were incorporated into the performance?

Did the performer engage with the audience during the performance? How did they interact with the crowd?

Aside from the concert stages, were there any other installations or amenities at the festival that you interacted with? If yes, please specify.

What factors or characteristics drew your attention to a particular stage or installation?

When you go to a concert, what do you typically expect in terms of the overall experience?

Did you notice if the performers' stage design and setup aligned with their music genre or helped convey specific themes or messages?

Do you follow any particular artists? Or have seen multiple shows of the same artist?

submitted by /u/GroundbreakingHawk52
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/14juq8f/what_makes_a_good_live_music_experience/


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