What to expect as an American heading solo to Rampage next February for the first time?

What should I prepare for? I plan on flying to London a few days in advance and then taking EuroStar to Antwerp and then staying there until Rampage is over. Anything I should know about Europe in general? I’m already aware about currency, not as many English speakers in Belgium etc etc but I’d love some extra tips.

How different are the crowds at Rampage from festivals like Lost Lands, EDC, EForest etc etc, how should I conduct myself around the locals? Any regulations that I may not see here in America? Literally any and all tips would be beyond appreciated!!

submitted by /u/djcryptik
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/14i1yxc/what_to_expect_as_an_american_heading_solo_to/


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