*LADIES ONLY* 🩸sorry🙃

I’ve never been to a musical festival before, and I’m going to one in a months time which means I’ll be camping there for 6 days. I checked my cycle and looks like I’m due on for this week which is a fat pain in the asshole. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to deal with it (im worried about the long queues for toilets🥴). Please don’t suggest taking the delay pills since Im under 18 (so a dr won’t even prescribe me them anyway) and also heard that they aren’t reliable, and still give u cramps anyways, not to mention u have to take them multiple times a day. I use tampons but I’m scared about the cramps since I have gotten them really bad in the past. Paracetamol doesn’t always work for me… help

submitted by /u/jessiejwannabe
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/15eqidc/ladies_only_sorry/


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