Tipping non food vendors/non service workers at festivals

What’s your opinions on tipping workers at festivals? obviously every food vendor i’m gonna tip no matter what, but recently i went to bonaroo and had 2 different people sitting at the showers clicking on the tablets get mad at me for not tipping them. i don’t really understand people getting upset about not tipping but maybe i’m the asshole. I always make sure to take care of anyone that’s working any sort of food service but come on. Your siting under a canopy with a fan on you clicking 1 button on a tablet. Maybe someone knows something i don’t so i’m open to hear about anyone else’s experiences

submitted by /u/shadow-bone-jutsu
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/14zthqq/tipping_non_food_vendorsnon_service_workers_at/


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