Full time festival work while traveling

So my lease is up next summer, and since I have a fair chunk of change saved up I’m thinking of trying to travel across America for a bit. I’ve fallen in love with music fests and I’ll be volunteering at one later this year which will give me some experience. Is there anyone who’s lived a traveling lifestyle for a bit who made semi steady income off of music fests? What else did you do to supplement income? Did you camp a lot or stay in hotels? I just hate being trapped in one place and would love to travel, but I’m not that rich so I’d like to combine my interest in festivals with traveling so I don’t just blow through my entire savings

submitted by /u/dancing-on-the-brain
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/15mwplr/full_time_festival_work_while_traveling/


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