How to make connections / fun rave buddies at festivals

Hey, i've just finished a festival solo the last weekend (TML). i was debating about going solo but people encouraged me to go and you read so many posts about people who go solo and say they have had the most amazing time and everyone is really friendly and nice and will take you in instantly.

I'm normally a pretty outgoing confident person and can converse easily, not an extreme extrovert but love being around people and love vibing with happy people.

Well, I went solo, and while people were really nice and friendly, I didn't feel like i actually made friends. I would dance by myself, then either people will start dancing with me for a bit or i will initiate, we will chat for a bit, have the usual fun dance moves and chats, but after the set is over we just kind of part ways.

I really loved the festival and the vibes but felt kinda lonely at times as i didn't make and real connections. was just wondering how people make real connections? like if you're alone and you find a fun group, do you just ask to stick to them? I worry that seems creepy / i dont want to make it awkward if they actually don't want me around.

submitted by /u/Legitimate-Cheek-241
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