Want to get into the scene but kinda nervous to go alone? Soothe my anxiety?
So I'm in Colorado in large part for the hippy scene lol, I don't have friends here yet other than roommates cause I just got here. Idk if I should find friends to go to a festival with or just meet friends there. Kinda just asking for opinions. I want to roll there for sure, so if I'm rolling my dick off I'll be more than happy to introduce myself to people, but idk how that would actually go in practice... Opinions on how to get into it? To be entirely honest, I wanna find responsible friends to do drugs with I can't think of a better place than a festival to get that lol. I overthink everything lol, but I mean I guess I can just pick some random Colorado festival, do my Molly, and just go for it right? I figure everyone is high and nice and inviting but I feel a bit weird with my "plan" to find some group of people and just fucking insert myself in there lmfao. Kinda makes it high(er) stress to go solo, but at the same time I can just make friends t...