In early March I attended a large SoCal music festival. I had recently bought a hot pink anime porn hoodie in Japan and had never had a chance to wear it, I seized the opportunity. I also wore ski goggles and a face mask. I am a large man and stuck out in the crowd to say the least, over the course of 2 days easily 100 strangers had something to say about this. At one point my friends and I were in line for drinks and I saw someone eying me. From my experience in the corporate world I appraised this man to be a boss, floor being Senior VP of something at a Fortune 500 company, ceiling the f’n CEO. This guy was in his mid 40’s with ideal bone structure, fitness, and grooming and his crew looked similarly legit. He made a move and came over, saying “so, is it mandatory to wear the ski goggles?” A really dumb question, my time to shine. I pulled the goggles up from my eyes to my forehead, intently stared him in the eyes, and said “of course not, what THE FUCK are you talking about?!” ...